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网址:gangbans.aou1.cn  2021-11-22  作者:admin    阅读:

Precautions for rock wool board
1. Pay attention to rainproof and do not construct in rainy days.
2. For cold insulation, a moisture-proof layer must be added. Under the condition of special low temperature, rock wool without resin shall be used for thermal insulation, and the moisture-proof layer must also be fireproof
3.当温度超过一定的温度,比如:200℃ 时,保温必需加适宜的外护,这样就不会使岩棉板厚度和容重发生转变。
3. When the temperature exceeds a certain temperature, such as 200 ℃, appropriate external protection must be added for thermal insulation, so as not to change the thickness and bulk density of rock wool board.
4.有关大直径和平壁设备用岩棉成品保温,超越200℃ 时,一定要谨记岩棉板生产厂家的叮嘱:加保温钉,(间距400mm左右 )外护要贴紧。
4. For thermal insulation of finished rock wool products for large-diameter and flat wall equipment, when the temperature exceeds 200 ℃, be sure to remember the instructions of the rock wool board manufacturer: add thermal insulation nails (with a spacing of about 400mm) and stick the external protection tightly.蠕动泵 保定建筑设计 保定网站建设 保定网站制作 保定网络公司 保定办公家具 保定轻钢别墅
5. Equipment, insulation nails and pipes requiring insulation can receive appropriate coatings in order to facilitate corrosion prevention. In addition, there should be no leakage. This can achieve better results.
6.岩棉板成品在室外保温的情况下易受机械磨损的应宜用金属或塑料包皮,然后留意接头的地方,接缝的密 封,需要时加胶质封条,包裹层堆叠局部不小于100mm
6. If the finished rock wool board is vulnerable to mechanical wear under the condition of outdoor thermal insulation, it should be covered with metal or plastic, and then pay attention to the joint and the sealing of the joint. If necessary, add glue seal, and the stacking part of the wrapping layer shall not be less than 100mm

